Dear Colleagues: As we end our first official week of autumn, I’d like to thank you for making the fall semester launch such a positive experience for students and their families. In recent weeks we have enjoyed the fellowship of Community Day, Fall Educator’s Retreat, New Educator Orientation, Welcome Week, Family Weekend—all while preparing for…
May 24, 2018 Dear Colleagues: As the spring semester comes to close and we have celebrated Commencement for both the undergraduate and graduate classes of 2018—I want to thank you for your good work and commitment to our students. The last few months have been full of exciting scholarship, creative innovation and stewardship, and meaningful…
March 12, 2018 Dear Colleagues: I was deeply honored and humbled by the board of trustees’ surprise announcement of the naming and fundraising support for the proposed admissions and welcome center. This facility was identified as a priority need during the 2016-2017 campus master planning process, and it will be an asset to our student…
Jan. 22, 2018 Dear Colleagues: As we begin a new semester, 2018 has promise to be a meaningful and positive year for Messiah College. We continue to make encouraging strides with student recruitment, fundraising and significantly enhancing our campus facilities and academic programs—at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Next week, it will be my…
Nov. 8, 2017 Dear Colleagues: The past few weeks have been incredibly positive ones for our campus community. We welcomed the board of trustees for their annual fall meeting on Oct. 18-20, as we celebrated the dedication of the Ralph S. Larsen Finance Lab and the Falcon Fitness Center. Immediately following, our Homecoming celebration brought…
Sept. 27, 2017 Dear Colleagues: We already have much to be thankful for in the past month since launching the new academic year. We have welcomed and moved-in our new and returning students, celebrated Family Weekend, and opened new facilities including the Falcon Fitness Center, the Larsen Finance Lab and the Frey Commuter Lounge. Classes,…
May 19, 2017 Dear Colleagues: I am convinced that now more than ever our world needs Messiah College graduates, which is why I am looking forward to celebrating our first-ever Commencement for the School of Graduate Studies tonight in Parmer Hall! I appreciate everyone’s efforts during this extremely busy time of the year as we…
February 17, 2017 Dear Colleagues: On Jan. 29-31, I met with the College’s board of trustees at their annual winter meeting. As always, the board was encouraged to learn of the notable achievements of our students, alumni and employees. I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with a summary report of the…
Nov. 3, 2016 Dear Colleagues: Autumn is a lovely time of year to welcome visitors to our stunningly beautiful campus, and I want to thank you for providing warm hospitality to our board of trustees at their October board meeting, and to the 3,000 alumni and guests who attended our 2016 Homecoming festivities on Oct….
Sept. 23, 2016 Dear Colleagues: I have received many positive comments from students, parents and employees about the warm, hospitable spirit and successful start of the new academic year. I am grateful for the way you embody community as you work together to welcome our new and returning students. Although it is early in the…